Repeat Prescriptions

Request a repeat prescription

If you require prescriptions for regular and continuing treatment, it is not always necessary to see the doctor each time. Repeat prescriptions are computerised and the tear-off slip at the side will indicate the date your review is due. 

Give 2 full working days’ notice. Please DO NOT telephone.
Please only use ONE of the following 4 options. To avoid a delay to your prescription request please Do NOT send multiple requests.

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Use Accurx

Use our online form via accurx

Submit your request via accurx

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Use the NHS App

Wells Park Practice would like to invite you to use The NHS App

Owned and run by the NHS, the NHS App is a simple and secure way to access a range of NHS services on your smartphone or tablet.

The simplest and quickest way to order your repeat medication is by using the NHS App which links directly to your prescription record at the practice.


Image of the NHS App

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Your Local Pharmacy

Pharmacies offer a prescription collection service from our Practice

Image of medication bottles

Pharmacy Ordering / Collection Service

Your pharmacy can also order your medication on your behalf. This saves you time and unnecessary visits to the Practice. Please contact the Pharmacy of your choice for more information if you wish to use this service.

Find a pharmacy

Perfucare Pharmacy - NHS Prescriptions & Pharmacy Services

We work closely with Perfucare Pharmacy who can give advice & prescribe medicines to help you as quickly as possible with certain conditions. 

Find out more and complete a self-assessment.

Full Repeat Prescription Procedure

  1. Your GP will review your medication normally on an annual basis. You will find the date your medications are due for review on your repeat prescription slip. Please ensure that you attend, in order for your GP to continue to safely prescribe your medications.
  2. Repeat prescriptions take 48 hours to process. This is 2 working days not including weekends or bank holidays
  3. Please use the boxes provided just outside the surgery entrance.  Boxes are emptied each morning and dealt with daily. Please do not hand over your prescription at the desk.
  4. In addition, requests that are not a repeat prescription i.e. past medications, hospital letters or hospital prescriptions which are ticked non-urgent etc. will take up to 3-4 working days to process as the doctor needs to look at these and possibly the patient’s medical history).
  5. Hospital prescriptions which are ticked as urgent should be taken to the hospital pharmacy for dispensing.
  6. If requesting past medication (which will take longer than 2 working days to process), please state clearly on the request why you are asking for it. We deal with 100+ requests daily so please help us to make this process run smoothly.
  7. We send all appropriate prescriptions electronically to your nominated pharmacy so please let us know your preferred chemist destination and also let us know if you change chemists at any time. If this is not done, your request will be sent to the chemist we have listed on your record or Perfucare which is the nearest pharmacy to the Practice.
  8. Please also note that if you are requesting your medication more than one week early, please state the reason for this otherwise your prescription will not be issued until it is due. 
  9. If we reject your request for repeat prescription, we will send you a text to let you know why and what you need to do next.  Please make sure we have your correct mobile number on our records
  10. If you are going into hospital or on holiday, please state this clearly on the request so there is no hold up in issuing your medication.
  11. Prescriptions which are not collected after one month will be destroyed and it will be recorded on your records as a non-collection.
  12. Please Note: we do not accept telephone requests. Please do not ask the receptionists to take requests over the phone. All requests must be in some form of writing
  13. Please do not ask your doctor for repeat prescriptions during your appointment, as we need to use your appointment time to your best advantage.

Medication Reviews

Patients on repeat medication will be asked at least once a year to review these; certain medication may require more regular review. A notification message should appear on your repeat prescription slip when one is due.

Medication reviews are undertaken by the GP and can either be a face-to-face appointment or alternatively more are being undertaken over the telephone as a telephone consultation.

There are a couple of exceptions where our nursing staff will review medication if you attend one of our specialist clinics e.g. diabetes or asthma but it is always good to check if you are not sure.

As soon as you get this message on your prescription slip and to avoid unnecessary delays to further prescriptions please book an appointment which could be a telephone consultation or a face-to-face appointment.

 Learn more about structured medication review

Repeat Dispensing

If you, or someone you care for, use the same medicines regularly, you may be able to benefit from repeat dispensing from your pharmacist.  This means you won't have to visit the surgery every time you need more medicines. 

 Further Information

Self Care

Following the decisions made by the South East London Clinical Commissioning governing body, GP Practices in Lewisham are no longer prescribing medications for acute (short-term) illnesses, minor and/or self-limiting conditions, anti-malaria tablets and health supplements which are readily available over the counter at all local Pharmacies.

The South East London CCG has made these changes to borough wide prescribing policies to:

  • Encourage patients to self-care
  • Empower patients to manage minor self-limiting conditions at home with support from community pharmacy; and seek help when needed
  • Ease the pressure on NHS services by reducing demand on prescriber consultation time, including out of hours services, for acute (short-term) illnesses, minor and/or self-limiting conditions
  • Help contain the costs of medicines on the local NHS budget
  • Free up clinician time for people who have more complex healthcare needs and who need more active support in managing their health
  • Increase patient awareness of preparations which are of low clinical effectiveness, where there is a lack of robust evidence of clinical effectiveness and/or can be purchased over the counter

 Find out more information on the South East London CCG Website