Book Appointments

Our Appointment Procedure

Our phone lines are currently incredibly busy so if you would like to book an appointment, please follow these step by step instructions: 

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Check Your Condition First

Many conditions can be dealt with without the need to see your GP.

Condition Checker

Many conditions can be dealt with without the need to see your GP.

You can try a local pharmacy for advice about a range of conditions and we also have lots of self help information. Please try this advice before contacting the Practice.


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Book a Routine Appointment

The following is our process for booking appointments

All requests for appointments will be processed online via our website. Everyone contacting the surgery will be asked to go through the online process. The form will be triaged by our trained navigation team and you will be contacted with the outcome which could be a link sent to your phone to book an appointment, a direct telephone call, self-care advice, or navigation to a service that is more appropriate to help and support you.

By using the online service, you save time waiting on the queue, and leave the phone lines free for those patients who are not able to access the internet.

If your request is deemed clinically appropriate for a GP appointment this will be categorised under three levels of urgency:

  1. Same day
  2. Within 3 working days
  3. Within 10 working days

To preserve telephone access for those who are not able to use the online service, we ask that you please avoid calling the practice, but instead to complete the online form. Requests for appointments will now only be managed using the online form.

Our email inbox will no longer be monitored. Therefore please send all your requests for appointments, prescriptions, fit notes or any admin related query using the online form only.

The process is simple, safe and easy to navigate.

The online service to request an appointment is available during surgery opening hours, Monday to Friday 8:00am to 6.30pm. If you require appointment outside the surgeries opening hours please contact 111 or visit NHS 111 online

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Enhanced Hours

General Practice is required to deliver a range of primary care services between 6.30pm – 8.00pm on weekdays and 9.00am – 5.00pm on Saturdays

Wells Park Practice, Sydenham Green Group PracticeThe Vale Medical Centre, and Woolstone Medical Centre must work together to deliver these services under our network, known as Aplos Health Primary Care Network.

For more information on Primary Care Networks please follow this link

This new service will be available to registered patients at the aforementioned practices. It is important to us that we provide an accessible service that meets our patient needs and still supports resourcing for our core opening times. Over the past few months we have carefully shaped this service in line with the patient feedback we received and have had our plans approved by our local commissioners.

For further information please check out our news section

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Life Threatening - Go to A&E

If you or someone you know has a life-threatening condition, such as loss of consciousness, a sudden confused state, chest pain, breathing difficulties etc, you should call 999

In an EMERGENCY call 999.
Emergencies are situations that cannot be managed at home and may be life threatening

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Request proxy access

GP surgeries can give someone secure access to another patient's GP services, so they can help them manage their health and care.

GP surgeries can give someone secure access to another patient's GP services, so they can help them manage their health and care. This is sometimes called proxy access or third party access.

You can ask to be a proxy, to help someone else with their prescriptions, appointments or other GP services, or choose a proxy to help you with yours.

Request proxy access